Friday, October 14, 2011

a legacy of flavor

      I used to keep a livejournal, then I stopped, then I started again, then I stopped. Now i really don;t want to pay for the service of having a journal hidden away for no one to see. Instead I like the idea of you the reader simply being able to link to my blog. I also really liked myspaces' journal utilities but that is pretty much dead, not even undead just dead-dead

      I wonder why even keep a journal of any sort? I don't go back and read them at all. I did do that once, such a horrid mistake I was so depressed afterwards. I suppose I do write this stuff down for a few reasons writing this stuff down forces me to organised my thoughts which usually swirl around in a very chaotic fashion. My stream of consciousnesses is more akin to a series of rapids. Tourists do die in my brain meats. I also write this for others to read. I like entertaining people and I hope that what I have to say entertains people at least a little bit. The other thing that is really useful about this is that you get to keep up with the happenings of me as I have very busy spurts and well i know to many people to tell them all what is up in my world all the time. Sure facebook helps but I feel that I cannot express everything I want to say in a tiny status update.  Now onto some current events.

      I recently went up north to help my mother clean her house, a aggravating job but it is family so I did it anyway. While up there an Aunt of mine gave me some canned tomatoes with some other stuff mixed in like onions and celery. I used 2 of the four jars (it's called canning but they are jars) as part of the ingredients to my latest batch of chili. I call this one legacy chili as part of it was made by family members who came before me. I must say this batch of chili turned out to be my best one yet. I make a damn fine chili.

     Also I recently turned in my letter of resignation with inspections. Dominos is becoming a full time gig and I just do not have time to drive all over the place and take pictures, especially with all the extra work I have been given. I told the office I would finish all the inspections in my que since I am not in fact a douche.  I have done inspections every day, some days working straight until I have to leave for my other job, and I still have late ones, argh! On the bright side I should be done soon, then I will have real live days off! Oh joy and rapture.  
I want to get back to painting, I have really neglected my hobbies as of late except for video games as I can just pick those up for the spare 25 minutes that I get here and there.  I am currently embroiled in gears of war 3. I am enjoying the shit out of that game. There is so much more to enjoy then just the main campaign as well.

     There is some other stuff going on in the world of Steve-O but it is on the private side so tough crap. I have a situation that I am not a fan of but I can deal. I am also really over thinking said situation but I know I am over thinking it. Sad thing I cannot stop over thinking it. Sometimes i dislike how I think. Granted those times are few and far between. I guess this goes along with the whole being driven crazy in a good way. 
ah well.

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